Poetry Postcard Fest co-founder Paul Nelson interviews Stanley DelGozo on his experience with the august POetry POstcard festival.
Alive Alice Glover Interview
The 2022 fest is winding down and registration for 2023 begins on September 1. A new postcard poet saw my stash here...
Enjoyed the interview & the love of the popo fest.
loving the hand dance, the eye dance, so great to SEE the folks who drive this thing we love.
Oh, how wonderful. Stanley and Paul. Again, the enthusiasm that I never expected to find here. Each and every interview, I feel a connection to the person.
We are all so different, yet our spirits blend and create a wonderful community.
Stanley, I love your feeling of family and community that I felt as I listened., The telling of the Post Office and Emily Dickinson’s birthday. Thank you ..
Oh, and the musical interlude on the harmonium ! Delightful 🙂 <3