by Paul Nelson | Aug 17, 2013 | Poetry Postcard Fest
OK, I jumped the gun on the 2013 Poetry Postcard Fest. Though I am posting here a month after writing and sending the first poem of 2013 (& my 428th postcard poem) I started writing the poems on July 17 and not ten days later on the 27th as we tell people to do...
by Paul Nelson | Jul 31, 2013 | Poetry Postcard Fest
The final list is out and 302 poets have joined us for the August Poetry Postcard fest this year. There are poets from Alabama, Alaska, Alberta, Arizona, Australia, British Columbia, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, France, Georgia, Germany, Hawaii,...
by Paul Nelson | Jul 23, 2013 | Poetry Postcard Fest
I got the latest postcard update from Brendan McBreen (see below) with the new list of 243 people, easily a new postcard record! Am a little stunned and very excited about the fest and (as noted here) have already started hacking away at my list. Again I’ll link...
by Paul Nelson | Jul 17, 2013 | Poetry Postcard Fest
The man coordinating the list for the 2013 Poetry Postcard Fest, Brendan McBreen, informs us that 179 poets have signed up so far and the cut off date is less than two weeks away. (His update below.) I am thinking I’ll get an early start on my list and see if I...
by Paul Nelson | Jul 5, 2013 | Poetry Postcard Fest
I’m getting ready for the August Poetry Postcard Fest, which starts on the 27th. It’s the 7th year we’ve done this and after seeing a link to a talk Ted Berrigan gave in 1979 on his Sonnets, I had a hunch I should go through some old postcards to see...
by Paul Nelson | Jun 24, 2013 | Poetry Postcard Fest
The absolute tranquility is the present moment. Though it is at this moment, there is no limit to this moment, and herein is eternal delight. – Hui-neng In 2000 I was invited to participate in the 3:15 Experiment, which involved writing every day in August at...
by Paul Nelson | Jun 22, 2013 | Poetry Postcard Fest
From Brendan McBreen: Once more it is almost August! The August Poetry Postcard Project is an exercise in responding to other poets. You write a poem a day for the month of August, write it on a postcard and send it to the next name on your list. When you receive a...
by Paul Nelson | Nov 28, 2012 | Poetry Postcard Fest
Every since being introduced to Ted Berrigan’s “The Sonnets” years and years ago, I was fascinated by the combination of a casual feel combined with a process that, in part, was influenced by Alfred North Whitehead. I LOVED lines like: Some people...
by Paul Nelson | Oct 15, 2012 | Poetry Postcard Fest
427. to Ramon Hildreth, SeaTac, WA – Not Yet Muddy 9.26.12 Medora, ND, Ramon – Loaded w/ egg-salad and roast beast sangwiches, pass Oink Joint Rd. & Peace Pipe Vista to a “Fish Hook & a riddle.” What life what soul what consciousness...