Postcards Never End

Although the August Poetry Postcard Fest is over (it IS September after all) cards I sent out on the 31st have probably not arrived at their final destination and the APPF Facebook group is still crankin’ with people posting about not yet having sent all their...

August 2017 Poetry Postcard Fest Afterword

Nothing signifies the end of summer in Cascadia like rain and it is raining as I write this. This year especially. 60+ days of no measurable precipitation makes me feel a little guilty about all the rain going to Texas and Louisiana as a result of Hurricane Harvey. Of...

Postcards for Charlottesville

From Lucia Sanford: Dear Paul, This is my third year participating in the Postcard Poetry Fest. I live in Charlottesville, Virginia. I am still too raw and stunned to write a personal note or poem about what happened here on Saturday. I did not think this situation...

Oct 9 Postcard Panel

It’s in YEAR ELEVEN which is hard to believe, but the August Poetry Postcard Fest started in 2007 by Lana Ayers and me is going as well as it ever has. With the launch of the poetry postcard anthology 56 Days of August this Fall, there are going to be several...

POetry POstcard Update (APPF11 2017)

There is less than a week to sign up for the 11th Poetry Postcard Fest. We have 5 and a half complete groups so far. Last year we had seven complete groups and there are many who love to sneak in under the wire. The official call is here. The direct link to the signup...

The Hanners: Husband & Wife Postcarders

It’s almost 4th of July which means August is coming. August for me has become synonymous with the heart of summer because of my poetry postcard habit. This year is the 11th year of the Poetry Postcard Fest which I have a habit of spelling with two capital...

A Few Postcard Notes

I’m just about finished with the 2017 Peace Postcards project. There are 28 poets on my list and without sending a card to myself, that means I had 27 poems to write and will probably get the last one done in the next day or so. This was year two of Carla...

#Ides of Trump (A Postcard Project)

Here’s one of those Facebook memes that when I first saw it I thought “I’ll pay attention if it comes around again.” Then August Poetry Postcarder Alley Greymond re-posted it, so I shared it and am sharing it here for your consideration: Oh!...

RIP Bridget A. Nutting

Sad to report that one of the longtime August Poetry Postcard Fest participants, Bridget Nutting of Vancouver, Washington, died yesterday, Sunday, October 9, 2016. From her son Josh: On Sunday October 09, after several years of battling high blood pressure, multiple...

2016 Postcards I Got (Video)

There’s not much more I can say about the 2016 August Poetry Postcard Fest that I did not say in the first of two videos that I created today (Sept 7, 2016): And to pick out highlights is so difficult, but you may be seeing some of the best of the 53 cards...

August Poetry Postcard Fest 2016 Afterword

Such a bittersweet feeling to drop off my last three poetry postcards at the post office. Even though there is a mailbox downstairs here at the swinging Angeline and a mailbox on the corner of Edmunds and R.A.S. basically across the street, I mailed almost all of my...

Chani Nicholas, Latihan and Postcards

I love it when different parts of my life intersect, reinforce, inform one another, validate, how ever you want to put it. It took an Einstein, I am told, to say: “Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.” I have been tracking the astrology...