Abhaya Thomas Cesar Postcard

The Fest Starts in 14 Days

June 21, 2022
by Paul Nelson

Poetry Postcard FestThe 16th Poetry Postcard Fest begins July 4. Those who have registered and have 32 in their group will get their lists that day and those who have registered more recently will get a list by the next day. Starting your postcard poem writing on July 6 gives you “56 Days of August” to complete your task. Some recent festimonials:

Mary Beth Frezon (Participant since 2014):

The Poetry Postcard Fest has been a wonderful way for the past nine years to sink into the daily writing habit, to be ever watchful for a scrap of life that can be woven into a short poem and shared. Could I just challenge myself to write for 31 days? Sure. I know that the community aspect is important – folks are excited to hear that their cards have arrived at their destinations. They want to be a part of this poetry network that reaches in so many directions and all across the world. While the poems aren’t shared generally, many people will say – got your card and poem thanks!, or often folks will post a “group shot” of received cards and poets will say – oh, I see my card! So there is a real pleasure in writing daily and sending but also in knowing that someone received and read your words, written on a day in August.

Penelope Moffet:

The postcard poetry festival feels like this exciting, perpetually renewing gift I get to unwrap every day while the festival is going on, never knowing what I’ll find to write onto the back of the daily postcard, never knowing what exquisite offering will land in my mailbox from another poet.

Yvette Flaten

The festival inspires me to write more, and form meaningful connections across the breadth of the writing community.

Mary Skeen:

So many fests I’ve lost count, maybe 8. Connecting with friends new & old, sharing love of words & postcards is such a joy. Synchronicity is an exciting surprise bonus.

We give thanks to SICA-USA for their ongoing sponsorship of this event!



  1. Lisa Fox

    Thanks for the update!

  2. Mary Alice Williams

    When will we get our lists- she asked eagerly.

  3. Mindy Rice

    Will we receive lists and guidelines through the mail? email? All I know so far is that I’m signed up.


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