Gabriel Cleveland Poetry Postcard Fest Interview

March 27, 2020
by Paul Nelson

Poetry Postcard Fest co-founder Paul Nelson interviews Gabriel Cleveland on his experience with the august POetry POstcard festival.


  1. StanleydelGozo

    INTERVIEW # 4 WITH Gabriel Cleveland was an absolute uplifting JOY to my “Writing Open Heart”…I am enjoying both the interviewee and the interviewer’s questions & responses…This morning Resha & I shared a coffee & toast hour with Billy Collins “Picnic, Lightening” Lines Lost Am…follong Trees…Billy laments …that ….While walking in the woods…with no pen…and nothing to write on anyway…I remembered the line in Sharon’s poem “Untiltled” (p54 in the 56 Days) Frank O’Hara stopping, leaning against a wall and scribbling in a small notebook…Paul et al…this is the beauty of PoPo in that my creative juices are awake aware & alive because I am a member of this ever expanding group of creative thinkers and fellow travelers…StanleydelGozo

  2. Abhaya Thomas

    Gabriel is such a gem! Loving these interviews Paul.

  3. Tim Mateer

    Miss having Gabriel here in Austin, Always brings a honest, heart to his work, not one to pull a punch. look forward to his words showing up in my box. “Engage in writing on the regular” love that

  4. Sigrid ( Siggi ) Saradunn

    Such an uplifting interview … I enjoyed listening to the back and forth conversation,
    thinking how wonderful that Gabriel’s enthusiasm is contagious … no mask required.
    Gabriel … One of the blessings was coming upon a conversation about post cards .. I think the
    52/52 year. At that point in my life and that particular month, the idea of the money
    for post cards, the stamps… overwhelming … and some kind soul or souls, helped me be able
    to participate. You mentioned about people who really can’t afford the fest…
    my thought is that those are the people who would really benefit from receiving a post card
    in August.
    Appreciate Gabriel’s honesty and open spirit about likes and dislikes .. also such a big and kind heart
    and soul.
    A truly wonderful experience listening to this interview. 🙂 <3


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