SPLAB @ &Now Cascadia by Anthology

I am delighted to be part of the &Now Conference, which is being staged at UW-Bothell, September 19-22, 2019, with a rather remarkable collection of “experimental” poets.Not sure what word is appropriate these days for poets who take risks in their...

Why a Postcard Fee This Year?

I got an unsigned email this morning about the postcard fest: hello paul wondering – why is there a fee for participating now?  what is done with  over $4000 you would collect if over 400 sign up (and pay) again? i have done the august postcard poetry event for...

The Joy of Postcards

I’m back in that mode again, a time of year when poetry gets right to the front of my daily consciousness. Some who know me would argue that it is that way anyway, but during the annual August Poetry Postcard Fest this becomes more pronounced. Walks, news...