536. Jupiter in Virgo

Another Georgia O’Keeffe image used for this latest 2015 August Poetry Postcard and one of the shortest 2015 postcard poems mostly because of the glossy stock and the difficulty in the actual writing of the poem. Ugh! Also a reference to an auspicious astrological...

533. Wait for Latté

One of the cards I brought back from my 2014’s trip to Wisconsin that was part of my work in the 2015 August Poetry Postcard Fest. This one with allusions to soul-building with a nod to an old poem from my Auburn days.

530. Cig Butt Mystery

If you believe in Traditional Chinese Medicine, you know the lung/heart meridian is related to grief. I can’t help thinking that anytime someone has a smoking habit, grief must not be far away. Combine that kind of thinking (radical/root-oriented) with the fact...