Can Poetry Heal

Can Poetry Heal

Group 11 filled up yesterday and got their list. Group 12 has several registrants and Poetry Postcard Fest registration continues until July 18. Can poetry heal is the question posed by Diana Raab: …Reading and writing poetry encourages a certain...
Rattle 68 Poetry Postcard Edition`

Rattle 68 Poetry Postcard Edition`

I’m delighted to have a poem in the latest edition of Rattle #68 (June 2020) as well as an interview which touches on Poetry Postcard Fest. Tim Green did a first-rate job on the interview and the magazine is $6.95. See if you can spot any postcard regulars in...
New Poetry Postcard Fest Sponsor

New Poetry Postcard Fest Sponsor

I’m delighted to announced that SICA-USA, the cultural wing of the US branch of the worldwide Subud organization, is supporting Poetry Postcard Fest. SICA-USA works at the intersection of spirituality and creativity: Poetry Postcard Fest is...
Poetry Postcard Fest Update

Poetry Postcard Fest Update

Our Poetry Postcard Fest project is one of many happening in our world right now that understands the need to document the historic nature of this global pandemic and its effect on daily life. That most state governments in the U.S., some more quickly than others,...