by Paul Nelson | Sep 4, 2012 | Poetry Postcard Fest
by Paul Nelson | Sep 1, 2012 | Poetry Postcard Fest
I am writing this post on July 27, 2012, after composing and documenting the first three poems I am sending in the 2012 August Poetry Postcard Fest. This was a project I conceived of and co-created with Lana Ayers. This year Brendan McBreen took on the heavy-lifting...
by Paul Nelson | Aug 29, 2012 | Poetry Postcard Fest
I put my last two postcards from this year’s August Poetry Postcard fest in the mail today and, with the baby resting, have a few minutes to share my thoughts about how the fest went as is my wont in August. I had done that each year with the 315 Project which I did...
by Paul Nelson | Jul 13, 2012 | Poetry Postcard Fest
I was preparing for my reading tonight at the Five Alarms Lit Crawl in Greenwood. (Gratitud y Gracias to Aaron Kokorowski, Greg Bem, Graham Isaac, Bryan Miller & other organizers.) The Four Hoarse Men will be performing and I have a slot myself as well. What to...
by Paul Nelson | Feb 21, 2012 | Poetry Postcard Fest
Poetry Postcard Exercise Ted Berrigan, Robin Blaser and Jack Spicer are among the more notable poets to engage in such a project. Berrigan’s book of them (A Certain Slant on Sunlight) was completed six months before his death in 1983. Alice Notley wrote: the cards as...