by Paul Nelson | Oct 10, 2021 | Poetry Postcard Fest
Thank you Mary Beth Frezon, veteran postcarder, for these wise words: Yes I’m one of those people who mark your card as arrived when it does but I don’t worry about it if it doesn’t. I’m grateful for all the cards that arrive and stick with my notion that the Poetry...
by Paul Nelson | Oct 3, 2021 | Poetry Postcard Fest
I enjoyed participating in the poetry festival. Although I only have received 9 poems so far, I can see the thoughtfulness in them. I will be looking forward to receiving more in the mail. I have been having difficulties with shipments across from the US to Canada...
by Paul Nelson | Sep 27, 2021 | Poetry Postcard Fest
Longtime postcard poet and co-editor of 56 Days of August Judy Kleinberg has published her 2021 Poetry Postcard Fest afterword: I never know quite when it’s over — when all of the postcards I’m likely to receive have now arrived. As of today, six (of 31) are still...
by Paul Nelson | Sep 22, 2021 | Poetry Postcard Fest
# Post card poetry # I forget now where I saw the first mention of this project, but I remember that I was immediately intrigued, thought for 30 seconds and signed up. I have been retired for 5 years now and during a full and demanding work life I got used to having...
by Paul Nelson | Sep 15, 2021 | Poetry Postcard Fest
Thanks to Paul, Group 1, and the regulars who register every year. You all make the festival the celebration that it is. I’ve been participating in the festival from the beginning. Most years, as Float Press, I’ve designed and letterpress printed postcards on my...