How To Write a POstcard POem (10 Steps)

I’ve jumped the gun on the August 2013 Poetry Postcard Fest and I encourage you to do the same. Yes, there’s already a primer on how to write the postcard poem (see this) but I have taken this to be my process over the last couple of years and wanted to...

Poems for Peace 2014

I am planning the third Poems for Peace event on September 21 at 7PM at Spring Street Center.  Last year this was the post. This was how I connected the poetry postcard fest with the Poems for Peace event and with peace-making in general. Here is the audio from last...

August Poetry Postcard Fest Instructions

OK poets! At this point we are one over the record 302 poets we set last year, but I am sure we’ll get much past that. I have sent a list via email and am posting the instructions here as well for easy reference. North American states and provinces included in...

August Poetry Postcard Project, Year 8!

It is almost August once again and this means POSTCARDS!   The August Poetry Postcard Project is an exercise in responding to other poets. You write a poem a day for the month of August, write it directly onto a postcard and send it to the next name on your list. When...

Habib Audio, Interview and Postcards

My posts on the August 2013 Seattle visit of Morrocan poet and Beat scholar El Habib Louai were quite long, (archived here)  so I am creating this post in the hopes that viewers of this blog will take a listen to the interview we did at the top of Desolation Peak,...