487. Sin Carne

This poetry postcard was written August 11, 2014, also at the 14th Subud World Congress. The Bhakti referenced is Subud Portland Co-Chair Bhakti Watts whose name means “devoted one.”

486. Tormenta Gigante

My recent trip to Mexico was quite an experience. My real first visit since I was a little boy (I did see the airport in Cancun in 2005) my parents told me that back then all I wanted in Mexico was to get back to the U.S. and eat a hamburger. This time, in addition to...

Levertov, Postcards & Language of Birds

As I have mentioned in previous posts, I used epigraphs by Denise Levertov for all my postcard poems in 2014, and deepened my appreciation for her gesture. I can see why she ended up in Cascadia, with her fierce commitment to peace and justice and her love for the...

483. Iniciador

My poems written in Mexico in August are starting to arrive at their intended destinations and so I continue with the posting here. The last few lines from this poem are taken almost verbatim from a sign at Casa Azul, the home of Frida Kahlo, to which I made a...